Meet the Family
"Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell, a place where we are loved and where we can love.”
-Marvin J. Ashton

Jude is the baby of the family! Jude joined our family through adoption in 2015. Jude is our inquisitive and has a sense of awe about everything! He loves to follow his brother Asher and do what he's doing!

Eve is our little ray of sunshine! Eve joined our family through adoption in 2015 and has made us laugh every day since! Eve loves to draw, sing, and dance! She is often in her pink tutu prancing around the house to her favorite tunes!

Asher is our hands on learner. He loves to make and build. Asher is a budding blacksmith with his own forge and anvil. If he's not forming something out of metal he's usually creating something out of wood or cardboard!

Peter has taken after his older brother Andrew and is quite the story teller. He loves being the dungeon master with a friend Dungeons and Dragons game and is currently involved in a writing course so he can expand his storytelling skills to the page.

Pearl joined our family through adoption from China in 2012. Pearl has always been a natural artist! She loves to create beautiful jewelry and recently launched her jewelry business on Instagram! Pearl has a quiet strength and peace that everyone loves.

Andrew is our thinker! Andrew loves to discuss and think about deep subjects. Andrew is also a creative entrepreneur. He started a successful ghost walk business in our town and was recently highlighted on a local news station!

Esther is our hair stylist! Esther joined our family through adoption in 2012 and within days was working on Megan's hair! Esther is currently being trained in cosmetology at the Aveda Institute in Charlotte!

Daniel is our high energy food loving ball of fire. Daniel joined our family through adoption in 2015. He is currently serving a mission for our church in Montreal Canada and is excited to jump into the culinary arts when he returns!

Elijah is the oldest of the kids! Elijah is serving a mission for our church in Tokyo Japan! He returns home in October 2021! Elijah has always been a jack of many trades, with a particular interest in film and photography! He hopes to pursue a career in that field when he returns home!

Nearly a decade ago we decided that being afraid wasn’t a good enough reason not to do something. If we couldn’t come up with any other reason but fear keeping us from a dream, then we had to jump in and do it. Following that philosophy has taken our life from normal to amazing. We’ve brought 9 children into our family both through birth and adoption, built a successful business, traveled the U.S. in a RV, and traveled the globe, and now we're building a not so tiny house.
Do you know what they call living like that? It’s called living with no regrets. We want to squeeze every single happy drop out of life that we possibly can. And we hope that as you come along on our journey, you’ll not only learn some great tips and tricks for happy living, you’ll be inspired to step into the darkness and start living the life you were created to live too!
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